The Benefits of Long-Term Airbnb Guests and How to Attract Them

The Benefits of Long-Term Airbnb Guests and How to Attract Them
Airbnb Advice
April 16, 2019
Stefan Nikolic

While the idea of Airbnb may suggest exclusively short-term stays of one or two nights in a rental property, there is a market for longer stays in the industry as well. In fact, longer rental periods are sometimes preferred by hosts as they offer a unique set of benefits that may appeal to certain lifestyles. While single night stays offer flexibility for property owners, longer term stays can actually provide more income due to a higher occupancy rate and less work required by the host due to fewer new arrivals. Encouraging longer stays at your Airbnb can be a way of attracting a new type of guest for your rental and a potentially increased revenue.

The Pros of Long-Term Airbnb Guests

Many people may find the responsibilities that come with hosting multiple short-term guests every single week overwhelming. With people coming in and out of your property at all times, there is a lot of work to do around cleaning and maintenance. As each guest arrives, a host must ensure that the space is in top-notch condition, communication is kept open with the guest, and the check-in goes off without a hitch. If a host is required to perform this every other day, it can eat up a lot of time. With long-term guests, these processes are simplified and a property may only require this service once or twice a week. In the long run, this can shave hours off Airbnb management, leaving the host to enjoy a more hands-off approach to Airbnb.

Longer duration stays are also beneficial in terms of income. With guests that stay for a week or two at a time, you will experience better income security and won’t have to try as hard to seek out guests to book every day your property is free. Steady income flow can be a concern for many aspiring Airbnb hosts so this method offers a potential alternative for those holding these doubts.

The Cons of Long-Term Airbnb Guests

The idea of a long-term guest may be off-putting for hosts that enjoy the easy flexibility of having guests stay for a short time only. This is usually because property owners may be concerned about their rights while a guest is staying with them and whether or not they will be a suitable guest. This is a fair concern to have as many Airbnb operators seek out the platform due to its short-term nature and that regardless of whether someone is an ideal guest, they are only occupying the space for a short while.

How to Attract Long-Term Airbnb Guests

Appealing to long-term guests requires the same preparation and Airbnb listing optimisation as you usually would for normal hosting efforts, however, there are a few more additional features that must be added to attract these types of guests. When someone is staying in a location for a lengthy period of time, there are a number of amenities required to ensure their comfort and satisfaction with the stay.

Attracting guests on Airbnb requires the following steps:

  • Taking appealing photos of your space
  • Including adequate information about your property that entices your target guest
  • Building great references from past bookings
  • Communicating with your guests effectively
  • Pre-planning your check-in process
  • Having the right amenities to ensure a seamless guest experience

Airbnb’s purposed for long-term guests are usually kitted out with more features that provide a homely experience. While a guest is staying with you, they are likely to require laundry facilities, space to dry their clothes, parking options, a functional kitchen and home entertainment. Guests should also be able to change their bedroom linen, towels and be provided with cleaning products that allow them to keep the place tidy. Vacuum cleaners, instructions for rubbish disposal and additional supplies will all ensure that the stay is comfortable. By highlighting these features in your listing description, you can expect to attract your sought after guests.

Another way of appealing to those looking to stay at your property for a lengthier period of time than usual bookings is to offer a discount on long-term stays. While this may require you to reduce your nightly rate, it can lead to an increase in revenue overall if you are successful in attaining longer booking lengths.

Long-Term Airbnb Guests Can Increase Host Revenue and Reputation

With regular long-term guests staying at your property, you can expect to see a higher number of booking nights throughout the year, increased revenue and, if executed properly, a growing reputation within the Airbnb community. Long-term guests, even for those that have been put off by traditional tenancies, shouldn’t be feared by Airbnb hosts. With adequate planning, open communication and exceptional hosting, long-term stays on Airbnb can significantly enhance the experience of hosting on the platform.

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