Personalising Online Hosting - 5 Easy Tips!

Personalising Online Hosting - 5 Easy Tips!
Airbnb Advice
September 14, 2020
Stefan Nikolic

As more and more Airbnb guests opt towards Self-Check-ins when possible due to safety and convenience, Airbnb hosts are finding themselves having to think of new ways to personalise guest stays.  

Personalising a guest’s stay is super important for helping guests to feel more welcome and not just like strangers staying in your property. This can help you to receive more 5-star reviews and gain repeat customers. Therefore, finding ways to personalise guest’s stays online when you cannot greet guests in person is essential.

Below are 5 ideas for personalising your guest’s Airbnb experience from afar:

Personalised Online Guest Manuals

Sending through a beautifully designed PDF to guests as soon as they book is a good tip to get them excited for their stay. This Guest Manual should contain all information they need to know about preparing for and staying in your property as well as tips for enjoying the local neighbourhood.

Create an online video greeting

Introduce yourself as the host in a short and sweet video that guests can play when they arrive. Many guests love to learn who has created the space that they are staying in so creating a quick greeting for guests can make them feel more involved in the Airbnb community. It can even be as simple as just saying “Hello, my name is ____ and I’m happy to be hosting you! I hope you’ll enjoy your stay and please reach out if you need anything at all.”

Leave a useful welcome basket

Have a think about items that guests need but are not necessarily exciting to purchase. If you live in an area where facemasks are compulsory, then it is a great idea to leave some facemasks for guests to use. Hand sanitiser would be a great addition too!

Create a video tour of your space

Since you may no longer be able to always show guests around your space in person, creating a quick run through video that you can send to each guest could be super useful! If there are tricks to using appliances or finding certain items, then a video could save back and forth communication or confusion with written instructions. Send it through to guests on their check-in day so they can have the same impression of a guided tour on arrival.

Send thanks

Nothing makes a stay more memorable than an unexpected gift! Send thanks to your guest during their stay with a small gift such as fresh bread or wine or anything else delivered direct to their front door. Alternatively, you could send a voucher online to a local store or café so they can have an experience to look forward to during their stay.

Here you have seen just five easy ways to make guests feel more welcome in your Airbnb. Get creative with these and your guests should continue to feel like their host is providing 5-star service even when you cannot be nearby!

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