How to Set Up an Ideal Remote Workspace in your Airbnb

How to Set Up an Ideal Remote Workspace in your Airbnb
Airbnb Advice
August 9, 2020
Stefan Nikolic

With the pandemic forcing many companies world-wide to adopt work-from-home cultures due to nation-wide lockdowns, many people have found that workers are able to be just as, if not more, productive without coming into the office.

Due to this, many people have realised that working from home could mean working from anywhere, and as a result Airbnb have noticed an increasing trend of travellers searching for Airbnb listings where they can work remotely from.

If you are a host who wants to make your Airbnb more appealing for these kinds of guests, read on to learn what amenities are essential for a remote workspace and what you can add to make your listing stand out even more.


Fast, reliable Wi-Fi – Without a doubt, Wi-Fi is the most important requirement for remote workers. Because of this, you need to make sure the Wi-Fi connection in your Airbnb is quick, reaches all areas and that the data usage is unlimited. Make sure you are with a network provider who can give your guests fast support in case of any problems too.

Comfortable chair – As your guests will be spending a lot of time in this chair while working, it is important to invest in a high-quality chair that helps guest keep comfortable for long periods. Choosing an adjustable chair so that each guest can modify it to suit their preference is best.

Desk or table – A remote working space could mean a desk in a bedroom or in its own office area, the table in the dining room or even a table set up outside with a view. It is best to make sure it is in reach of an outlet and that the legs are aren’t wobbly!

Good lighting – Make sure to set up the remote workspaces in areas of your property that receive the most natural light. If this is not possible, it is a good idea to invest in LED lighting as they are the gentlest on the eyes. For more advice on how to set up ideal workspace lighting, see here.

Optional Bonuses:

Multiple workspaces – Having different workspaces to choose from can give guests a nice change of pace during their workday and is also beneficial if more than one guest needs to work remotely during their stay.

Standing-sitting convertible desk – An office trend that has grown popularity over the last few years due to recommendations by health experts. Providing a desk that can adjust in height can really help your listing to stand out. Read about the benefits of a standing desk here.

Laptop stand – Another tool that has been recommended is a laptop stand which places the laptop at the correct height so that you do not need to strain your eyes, neck, or hands. Read more about the benefits in this post.

Nespresso machine – Help your guests get a productive day started with the perfect morning coffee!

Additional office supplies – Having a printer available for guest use as well as pens and notepads will make your listing memorable for remote workers.

Marketing your remote working space to potential guests

Photos – Make sure to add well-lit photos of each workspace into your listing. Adding photos that feature a laptop in each workspace can make it even easier and exciting for guests to imagine working from your space.

‘Laptop friendly working -space’ Amenity – Airbnb has this feature for guests to filter their search results when looking for a space where they can work from so make sure to tick it off! Your Airbnb will also show up for guests using the ‘Work Trip’ filter so long as you receive one five-star review from a business traveller.

Paint a word picture – Adding into your description what else guests can expect when remotely working from your Airbnb will be sure to boost your bookings! Can guests take a dip in the ocean nearby before starting their workday or will they be able to set up their laptop on the balcony overlooking native bush and taking in the calming sounds of nature? Be sure to add in what would make working at your Airbnb unique!

As you can see, there are many different things you can do to make your Airbnb appealing to remote workers. After you’ve set up your space, be sure to ask your guests for feedback so you can keep improving the space for future guests.

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