How to Host on Airbnb Without Damaging Relationships with Neighbours

How to Host on Airbnb Without Damaging Relationships with Neighbours
July 29, 2019
Stefan Nikolic

For many Airbnb hosts, navigating the delicate relationships with their neighbours can be difficult. It’s common for some to be against the idea of having a new group of strangers occupying a home or apartment next to them every other day. After all, it only takes one bad guest to cause connections to deteriorate. Safeguarding your Airbnb efforts by putting in place certain steps that reduce the chance of friction arising should be a priority. Complaints from nearby residents can be the driving force behind many hosts giving up on their Airbnb business, so it’s important to ensure all bases are covered and suitable precautions are in place to protect hosts, guests and nearby residents. 

While it isn’t possible to guarantee that every single one of your Airbnb guests will be perfect, processes can be put in place to reduce the likelihood of any less than satisfactory events occurring. Preparing for difficulties helps hosts solve issues quickly and lets neighbours know that you have considered their comfort, leading to a much more pleasant experience for all involved.

Keep Lines of Communication Open and Clear

Be accessible and approachable to both neighbours and guests while you are hosting on your property. By letting all parties involved know that they can contact you whenever necessary, you will be able to sort out any situation as it’s happening, rather than letting things build up and cause major issues down the track. By simply supplying your mobile number and remaining reachable during stays, your neighbour will be able to get in touch with you if they have any concerns. 

There are also a number of points that you can make clear to residents near you, to facilitate the smooth running of your Airbnb. These include: 

  • Informing them of your house rules and how their comfort is prioritised in them. Providing them with a copy of this and asking if they have any suggestions can also help you build a strong relationship.
  • Explaining the vetting process for Airbnb guests that you go through to ensure you are accepting the right kind of people into your home and neighbourhood.

Pre-Warning Guests and Expectations and Restrictions

Within your house rules and on your listing you should always reiterate what kind of behaviour is accepted of guests. If you have strict noise requirements, it’s important to make this clear. If your property is unsuitable for events, make it obvious. Notifying guests of expectations and restrictions before they book will reduce the likelihood of these types of guests choosing to stay with you. In some cases, you may also choose to mention your neighbours and the need for respectful behaviour. Outlining these points in your communications with guests is the best way of ensuring experiences run smoothly. 

Common Areas of Contention 

Behaviour that irks neighbours of Airbnb hosts is typically universal. In the case of noise, it is a simple task of informing guests of your expectations and rules, however, some issues aren’t always clear cut. Certain actions from guests can be accidental and may be the result of unclear house rules or guidelines and a lack of understanding of the property. It’s here that you need to be able to provide adequate information clearly and concisely. Common problems faced by guests include:

Rubbish Disposal

Rubbish and recycling practises can be regularly overlooking by Airbnb hosts. While you may think your system is intuitive, every house and apartment building has different protocols and your guests might not totally get that if you are unclear. Misunderstandings around disposal can sometimes lead to some very unhappy neighbours, particularly if you are dealing with communal rubbish collection. Take the time to explain how guests can go about getting rid of their trash in detail, this way you will negate any possibility of things going wrong. 

Communal Areas

If you have designated car parks for residents or shared entertainment areas, make sure that your guests are aware of the rules and their requirements to adhere to them. Facilities like pools, tennis courts and gyms have strict regulations, inform guests of these in the house rules to reduce the likelihood of any offence taking place. 


Guests should always be aware of whether or not smoking is allowed on your property or anywhere else nearby. If it isn’t, make this clear. If it is, make sure you specify where it is okay. Certain neighbours can be very sensitive to guests who are smokers, so it’s important to cover this topic in your house rules. 

Guests of Guests

Are you restricting the number of people that are allowed to stay on your property? Make this known to the guests to avoid any disagreements around additional people coming and going. Your neighbours may be much more accepting of Airbnb hosting if you are strict around guest numbers. 

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