Offer your Airbnb guests the best sleep possible

Sleep is one of the most important things for a functioning human being. So if a guest isn’t able to get a good sleep in your short-term rental, then this will affect their trip as a whole, and they may not look back at the experience so fondly. Therefore, you need to do everything possible to give them an amazing sleep! Not only will this mean that your guests will have a great time, and may consider staying again, but it will also mean you get better reviews, and your chances of bookings will increase.
So what are some things to consider for your Airbnb management?
The mattress
The mattress is probably the most important thing when considering guests having the best possible sleep. So you should ask yourself the following questions about your mattress:
-Is it old (and rusting)?
-Is the mattress uncomfortable when you lie on it?
-Is your mattress lumpy?
-Is it unclean?
-Is your mattress loud (if it has springs)?
-Has anyone complained about your bed before?
If the answer to most, or all, of these questions is yes, then you should be considering getting a new mattress.
If this is not within your budget at the current moment, then you should at least consider a mattress topper, as this costs less money and can soften up a firmer mattress.
As well as this, consider getting a protective mattress cover with bite-proof fabric, Polyurethane-lined covers, and tight zipper teeth as this will stop pesky bed bugs infiltrating your mattress. For more information on this, check out this previous article.
So what does the perfect mattress feel like?
The perfect mattress is neither too soft nor too hard, and it will be something that fits within your price range and the price range for your Airbnb. For example, if you are charging a medium amount for your room then you don’t need to buy a mattress that would rival the mattress that Queen Elizabeth owns.
What about the pillows and sheets?
As for pillows and sheets, there are so many different options, and choosing the right ones depends on your price range and the climate where you live. For pillows, make sure you provide a few for each bed (because different people like different amounts) and make sure they are comfortable. To check out which sheets best suit your price range and climate, check out this previous article!
What should you do if your room is in a loud area?
Is your Airbnb in an area where the night-live is rampant? If this is the case, then I would recommend you have sound-proof bedroom walls and windows, if possible. Or if this isn’t within your price range, then you could leave small packages with earplugs in them, and tell your guests about them. Regardless of what you choose to do to block out your noisy neighbourhood, you should always mention the noisiness in the description, so guests have a full understanding.
In conclusion, with the right mattress, pillows, and sheets, you’ll be well on your way to getting better reviews and more bookings. Even if you have to spend a bit of money now, it will be worth it in the long run if this allows you to attract more guests to your property. So it looks like it’s time for a bed hunt! We hope you find a good one!
Written by Lauren Middleton